Goodnews Ministries International Church Mobile App. This app offers you the opportunity to constantly be in touch with GoodNews Ministries. Follow GoodNews Ministries as we takes the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the World.Listen to Podcast,Messages Archives,Daily devotional,Service Live Streaming,Online Giving,Online Store,And Many more.Goodnews Ministries International church is a Pentecostal Church whose commission is to Preach the Kingdom of God and His Christ. We preach a holistic message of God’s love, salvation, deliverance, and bringing hope to the lost and equipping and empowering the saints for a victorious living and work of the Ministry.We are a multi-racial church which all types of people feel comfortable in. We are anointed to raise unto God a people of great destiny. We take pride in our diversity though united in the Spirit by the bond of Christ redemptive work at the Cross of calvary. We look out for one another, encourage strong family ties, encourage our members to stand out tall wherever they find themselves, excelling in their chosen fields of endeavour and ready for the second coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.If you are in the London area why not visit us on Sundays at 10am to 1:30pm and 1st Saturday of every month at 12noon to 3pm for prayer and miracle service at Sudbury Hall Sudbury Primary School Watford Road Wembley HA0 3EY entrance is via Perrin Road Adjacent Vale Farm. There are also Home Church services every Wednesday.